Hi. FYI, I'm not gonna be online or posting... things, for the next 2 - 3 weeks, starting tomorrow, Monday, April 13th 2009 . I'm facing the National Exam and it's time for me to forget this world and continue concetrating on preparing myself for a greater good. It is why I have been.. well.. sorta, agressively keep psoting and posting craps. I want to score 13 posts as usual. Thank you for your attention, wish me luck and May God Bless You always.
P.S: See you on May! (Perhaps)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Once you've start, you can't stop and please, answer truthfully, being fake is so yesterday.
1. You can't stand it when you don't see his/her face in one day.
Yes (continue to number 3)
No (continue to number 2)
2. You don't want anyone to know that you Idolize him/her
Yes (continue to number 4)
No (continue to number 3)
3. You love him/her like.. more than anybody and you always scream when he/she is on TV
Yes (continue to number 5)
No (continue to number 4)
4. You change your Idol pretty quickly
Yes (continue to number 6)
No (continue to number 5)
5. You have a million dollars, and after you went shopping etc, you still got 100 thousand bucks which is enough to fly and meet your idol, would you do it?
Yes (continue to number 7)
No (continue to number 6)
6. You don't show your admiration pretty obvious, and you sometimes doubt your Idol
Yes (continue to number 8)
No (continue to number 7)
7. You would be angry (at least feels not right) if someone makes fun of your Idol
Yes (continue to number 9)
No (continue to number 8)
8. You don't have, not even one single photo of him/her.
Yes (continue to number 10)
No (Pretty Idolize)
9. You would fight for your Idol againts all odds if your Idol is..... bi or gay (which is okay, but sometimes unacceptable) you love them for who they are
No (You Idolize them, that's all)
10. You are searching for another Idol
No (back to number 7)
I'm A Phsyco Freak, what are you?
Idola Idola saya dari segala aspek:
1. You can't stand it when you don't see his/her face in one day.
Yes (continue to number 3)
No (continue to number 2)
2. You don't want anyone to know that you Idolize him/her
Yes (continue to number 4)
No (continue to number 3)
3. You love him/her like.. more than anybody and you always scream when he/she is on TV
Yes (continue to number 5)
No (continue to number 4)
4. You change your Idol pretty quickly
Yes (continue to number 6)
No (continue to number 5)
5. You have a million dollars, and after you went shopping etc, you still got 100 thousand bucks which is enough to fly and meet your idol, would you do it?
Yes (continue to number 7)
No (continue to number 6)
6. You don't show your admiration pretty obvious, and you sometimes doubt your Idol
Yes (continue to number 8)
No (continue to number 7)
7. You would be angry (at least feels not right) if someone makes fun of your Idol
Yes (continue to number 9)
No (continue to number 8)
8. You don't have, not even one single photo of him/her.
Yes (continue to number 10)
No (Pretty Idolize)
9. You would fight for your Idol againts all odds if your Idol is..... bi or gay (which is okay, but sometimes unacceptable) you love them for who they are
No (You Idolize them, that's all)
10. You are searching for another Idol
No (back to number 7)
I'm A Phsyco Freak, what are you?
Idola Idola saya dari segala aspek:
Hahaha, bego.
Saya, sebagai yang lebih muda dari yang baca, mau membahas tentang status saya sebagai manusia. Dimana saya merasa berhak untuk setidaknya, bicara, di tengah keadaan manusia yang saling menekan. Saya disini bukan menjudge, melainkan sebagai salah satu android 15 - 29 tahun yang ingin sesekali diperhatikan. Gak cuma dianggep lebih muda yang bisanya cuma main musik, jalan jalan, sama belajar (ya tentunya yang berperilaku baik juga ya, kalo yang udah brutal sarap, ayo kita tertibin sama sama hahaha). Saya gak beda dari 15 tahun suka senang senang yang lain kok. Cuma.. saya masih merasa, bahwa saya masih belum bisa beneran berbuat dalam apa yang saya pikirkan. Saya cuma bisa nulis. Nulis, tanpa bisa sekali waktu mengutarakannya pada yang berwenang. Banyak masalah yang suka saya pikirkan, dan saya temukan solusinya, hanya berakhir di sebuah posting blog yang 5 comment pun gak sampai (taruhan deh). Menunjukan betapa saya sangat tidak dianggap di komunitas dunia. Saya ingin diketahui. Sayang, dunia belum mengijinkan saya, atau makhluk makhluk lain setara saya, untuk unjuk kebolehan dalam masalah pola pikir.
Saya kasihan melihat makhluk makhluk yang sama besar dengan saya, hanya bisa bergossip satu sama lain membicarakan suatu solusi (yang genius gila) terhadap masalah besar yang mungkin adalah satu satunya jalan keluar. Cuma bisa didengar oleh komunitas yang lebih kecil dari kutu. Pengeeeen banget deh saya rekam terus saya ajuin ke Pak Presiden. Sayang sekali. Sepik kalau pelajar pelajar kayak saya yang hampir satu kaki lebih pendek dari kalian tidak bisa mengatur dunia. Mau saja diperdayai dengan kata kata kamu belum cukup umur. Jadi sekarang rasis umur nih ceritanya?
15 tahun seharusnya tidak menghalangi seorang makhluk untuk berpengaruh. Apa bedanya dengan 35 tahun kalau yang dipikirkan sama. Kalau yang dihadapi sama. Kalau yang ditanggung sama. Paling pengalaman aja yang negbedain, saya status pendidikan, saling kerjasama aja kan gak dosa Oom. Perkembangan sekitar membuat saya terbuka. Kalau dilihat secara individual, saya tidak seharusnya berada disekolah mengecam pendidikan yang tidak sesuai dengan cita cita saya (yang seharusnya saya belajar yang saya perlu, bukan yang orang pikir kita perlukan), padahal mungkin, mungkin saja kalau saya ada di parlemen, saya bisa menyelesaikan masalah banjir di Jakarta dalam waktu 6 bulan. Gatel saya kali liat bapak bapak pada ngomongin masalah negara yang muuuuter muuuter aja padahal saya sama temen temen udah bikin bagan solusinya.
Saya cuma pengen aja sekali sekali nyoba mengajukan pikiran, dan umur doang yang selalu menghalangi saya. Saya sering takut gak boleh ngomong kalo lagi pada seru ngomonging masalah, makanya diem aja. Saya juga gak mau kok kalian kehilangan status lebih gede, dan itu sesuatu yang penting. Bukan berarti saya menjelek jelekkan kalian yang lebih berpengalaman, nggak. Saya hanya ingin kalian berhenti memandang kami lebih kucrut dari kalian. Mungkin apa yang ada di otak kalian tidak lebih baik dari apa yang ada diotak saya. Hahaha. Kalian pasti berpikir bahwa self-righteousness tinggi, sampe berani posting begini ke internet. Hahaha saya ngerti kok. Emang saya masih lebih bego dari kalian.
Saya pengen deh punya community berkepala SMP yang berpengaruh di dalam pemerintahan. Sekedar beri ide ide yang bersih dari royalti (well, kalau terbukti lebih bermanfaat, masih dosa pasang harga? hahahaha gak deng :P). Ide ide yang tentunya simpel dan bermanfaat, mungkin ide ide yang murah, secara tidak langsung mengurangi amount uang yang akan dikorupsi kan? Haha. Kan biar pernah, nyobain rasanya bermanfaat buat orang banyak (masalahnya, itu satu satunya cara biar bisa liat rakyat seneng). Anggota kaum intelegens bisa datang dari mana saja kok. Yang penting, baik dalam pola pikir dan sesekali berdebat, gak susah. Kami masih mau juga kok nerima nasehat nasehat (yang masuk akal dan gak terkesan menyuruh) dari yang lebih berpengalaman. Saya bosen sama speech contest. Cuma memang piala. Saya lebih bangga menangin kepala kepala DPR yang menoleh terhadap kalimat yang saya katakan. Maksudnya, saya kepengen real act. Real act dari muda muda yang diketahui segala pihak. Rasis gender sudah gak jaman, eh sekarang jaman rasis umur kali ya. Saya udah bicara, eh salah, menulis. Kapan ya saya bisa benar benar berasa jadi orang dengan modal tinggi 156 cm?
Posting saya ini semata mata karena kalimat pertama paragraf kedua. Kalo hal kayak gitu gak kejadian, ngapain saya repot repot kayak gini, 15 - 29 tahun terlalu males buat ngurusin yang beginian, kalo emang gak dipeduliin. Saya juga gak mau melanggar norma norma ke-umur-an. Ntar dikira minta kebebasan yang bebaaas banget sampe nanti dikira nyalahgunain, ya kan yang menjalankan pikiran ini juga kucrut - kucrut terpecaya dan gak rusuh hahaha (tapi tetep, yang bisa rusuh bukan cuma 29 below aja kan?). Eh mungkin saya salah, mungkin little brat lahiran tahun '90 yang udah 0,1% sedikit berpengaruh dalam dunia (Indonesia terutama), expose dong media, bikinnya yang bagus juga beritanya, jangan ngebosesnin kayak berita berita gak penting kayak Hari Kartini diperingati oleh anak anak TK se- kota Depok (YAIYALAH wong disuruh guru)... Mending juga tidur, atau... seneng seneng :P
This is my thinking. I thought it first. So, think about it. I think to be thought.
Saya kasihan melihat makhluk makhluk yang sama besar dengan saya, hanya bisa bergossip satu sama lain membicarakan suatu solusi (yang genius gila) terhadap masalah besar yang mungkin adalah satu satunya jalan keluar. Cuma bisa didengar oleh komunitas yang lebih kecil dari kutu. Pengeeeen banget deh saya rekam terus saya ajuin ke Pak Presiden. Sayang sekali. Sepik kalau pelajar pelajar kayak saya yang hampir satu kaki lebih pendek dari kalian tidak bisa mengatur dunia. Mau saja diperdayai dengan kata kata kamu belum cukup umur. Jadi sekarang rasis umur nih ceritanya?
15 tahun seharusnya tidak menghalangi seorang makhluk untuk berpengaruh. Apa bedanya dengan 35 tahun kalau yang dipikirkan sama. Kalau yang dihadapi sama. Kalau yang ditanggung sama. Paling pengalaman aja yang negbedain, saya status pendidikan, saling kerjasama aja kan gak dosa Oom. Perkembangan sekitar membuat saya terbuka. Kalau dilihat secara individual, saya tidak seharusnya berada disekolah mengecam pendidikan yang tidak sesuai dengan cita cita saya (yang seharusnya saya belajar yang saya perlu, bukan yang orang pikir kita perlukan), padahal mungkin, mungkin saja kalau saya ada di parlemen, saya bisa menyelesaikan masalah banjir di Jakarta dalam waktu 6 bulan. Gatel saya kali liat bapak bapak pada ngomongin masalah negara yang muuuuter muuuter aja padahal saya sama temen temen udah bikin bagan solusinya.
Saya cuma pengen aja sekali sekali nyoba mengajukan pikiran, dan umur doang yang selalu menghalangi saya. Saya sering takut gak boleh ngomong kalo lagi pada seru ngomonging masalah, makanya diem aja. Saya juga gak mau kok kalian kehilangan status lebih gede, dan itu sesuatu yang penting. Bukan berarti saya menjelek jelekkan kalian yang lebih berpengalaman, nggak. Saya hanya ingin kalian berhenti memandang kami lebih kucrut dari kalian. Mungkin apa yang ada di otak kalian tidak lebih baik dari apa yang ada diotak saya. Hahaha. Kalian pasti berpikir bahwa self-righteousness tinggi, sampe berani posting begini ke internet. Hahaha saya ngerti kok. Emang saya masih lebih bego dari kalian.
Saya pengen deh punya community berkepala SMP yang berpengaruh di dalam pemerintahan. Sekedar beri ide ide yang bersih dari royalti (well, kalau terbukti lebih bermanfaat, masih dosa pasang harga? hahahaha gak deng :P). Ide ide yang tentunya simpel dan bermanfaat, mungkin ide ide yang murah, secara tidak langsung mengurangi amount uang yang akan dikorupsi kan? Haha. Kan biar pernah, nyobain rasanya bermanfaat buat orang banyak (masalahnya, itu satu satunya cara biar bisa liat rakyat seneng). Anggota kaum intelegens bisa datang dari mana saja kok. Yang penting, baik dalam pola pikir dan sesekali berdebat, gak susah. Kami masih mau juga kok nerima nasehat nasehat (yang masuk akal dan gak terkesan menyuruh) dari yang lebih berpengalaman. Saya bosen sama speech contest. Cuma memang piala. Saya lebih bangga menangin kepala kepala DPR yang menoleh terhadap kalimat yang saya katakan. Maksudnya, saya kepengen real act. Real act dari muda muda yang diketahui segala pihak. Rasis gender sudah gak jaman, eh sekarang jaman rasis umur kali ya. Saya udah bicara, eh salah, menulis. Kapan ya saya bisa benar benar berasa jadi orang dengan modal tinggi 156 cm?
Posting saya ini semata mata karena kalimat pertama paragraf kedua. Kalo hal kayak gitu gak kejadian, ngapain saya repot repot kayak gini, 15 - 29 tahun terlalu males buat ngurusin yang beginian, kalo emang gak dipeduliin. Saya juga gak mau melanggar norma norma ke-umur-an. Ntar dikira minta kebebasan yang bebaaas banget sampe nanti dikira nyalahgunain, ya kan yang menjalankan pikiran ini juga kucrut - kucrut terpecaya dan gak rusuh hahaha (tapi tetep, yang bisa rusuh bukan cuma 29 below aja kan?). Eh mungkin saya salah, mungkin little brat lahiran tahun '90 yang udah 0,1% sedikit berpengaruh dalam dunia (Indonesia terutama), expose dong media, bikinnya yang bagus juga beritanya, jangan ngebosesnin kayak berita berita gak penting kayak Hari Kartini diperingati oleh anak anak TK se- kota Depok (YAIYALAH wong disuruh guru)... Mending juga tidur, atau... seneng seneng :P
This is my thinking. I thought it first. So, think about it. I think to be thought.
My Diva Doll, would be lovely
Okay, I just polished my nail and now typing this so pray pray it won't destroy what I've done to my nails B) (can you beileve, my dad apply nail polish better than me! He just taught me how to do it properly, he's the best!)
Hi all, how're you all been doing? It's been a while since I greet you all on the first thing on my post 'cause usually I just write straight to the buzz. And yeah, this post is my 50th post of all time! I'm so happy that my blog reached the same amount of Barbie's age.
I don't know exactly what I'm gonna say to you over here, cause I just feel like typing (it's so hard to type when you're shouldn't touch another keyboard pannel and it's oh so like.. stiff, yeah.)
Do you know that I play a game called My Diva Doll? It's been 8 months since I first time play it. It's very very very fun, additictive, and refreshing I have to say. Cause it gives me the chance to decorate and design myown future. I want to be like this and this and that I want to have this and those so it's like.. it gives satisfaction when I finally bought something I really want.... Can you see how the game works? Okay I'm gonna explain it to you.
My Diva Doll is a free online game when you make a doll, and you play the doll like, buying it clothes and decorate it's condo like how you want it to be. It's like other dolly game but in here you have to work to get money to buy things, and you can only work once a day. So in a way, you have to get online everyday so you won't waste the money that you can earn everyday, and get rich fast. That's why I said it's very addictive cause now, I cannot, not get my dolls (yeah dolls, I have 4, and 1 more is my mom's, you can see the impact can't you) online, because when I waste one day money by not onlining those dolls, I feel like.. I have lost one opportunity to get richer than yesterday, you see what I mean? And because of being one rich rich rich person is my dream and exactly what I'm gonna do for a living, so I use My Diva Doll to make me disipline of time and how Time Really Is Money. Yeah, money is a sacred thing to me hahaha. Cause money starts a happy life. And I want one happy life, like my first made doll: Drizella. She is now filthy rich and definitely like what I've dreamt. She is on the highest rate of career (have I mentioned that you can upgrade you career, which will upgrade you salary too, by clicking the training button, and yeah you can only train once a day), she has the outfit that I've ever want to have and she's pretty popular. How to rate popularity? It's by having as much good friends as you can and just networking, and by votes. You have to vote other doll if you want to be voted. My Diva Doll is really a good way to have some friends from abroad, from that site, I have a friend from Romania and she's one of my bestfriend over there ;D It's really interesting and just a great way to start networking to the world while you can also enjoy being yourself without you have to be scared about not being liked. As long as you're warm and showing good attitudes, they'll like you. But that doesn't mean that there are no bullies and crazy people. Most of the players are girls, but there are some boys too. They sometimes disturbs you with their profile or pictures or attitude. I say, just ignore it all and be good with whom ever greet you. I think when someone greet you in My Diva Doll in an uncertain kinda way, I just don't reply them, cause it'll just get worse. They have discounts, new traits like in the human world, and so much more fun stuffs. There are a lot of Indonesians too. It's a great game for you to enjoy. Try it, then discover somemore things.
I have 4 dolls on my own. They are: Drizella, Doutczen, Ivanya and Rushlana. And my mom's doll is Juminten. Drizella's is my first doll and she's filthy enough. I'm working on Doutczen, Ivanya, and Rushlana. I'm building their image by their looks and condo according to the career I have chose for them. So, it's a tough work to do but I'm sure I can accomplish those works and end it up like how I did to Drizella.
You can acsses one of my My Diva Doll, Drizella, by clicking the link in my links list down the page named MY DIVA DOLL. Then you'll go straight to Drizella's page, where there's my profile and pictures of my other dolls. And, you can also register from there. Don't forget to tell me what you think of Drizella's condo via comment over here, well, not really necessary actually hahahaha, just to boost up my good mood.
<--- My Doll, Drizella (click on the picture for better visual)
Well folks, I think My Diva Doll is what I decided to share with you guys, what's yours to share with me? B)
Hi all, how're you all been doing? It's been a while since I greet you all on the first thing on my post 'cause usually I just write straight to the buzz. And yeah, this post is my 50th post of all time! I'm so happy that my blog reached the same amount of Barbie's age.
I don't know exactly what I'm gonna say to you over here, cause I just feel like typing (it's so hard to type when you're shouldn't touch another keyboard pannel and it's oh so like.. stiff, yeah.)
Do you know that I play a game called My Diva Doll? It's been 8 months since I first time play it. It's very very very fun, additictive, and refreshing I have to say. Cause it gives me the chance to decorate and design myown future. I want to be like this and this and that I want to have this and those so it's like.. it gives satisfaction when I finally bought something I really want.... Can you see how the game works? Okay I'm gonna explain it to you.
My Diva Doll is a free online game when you make a doll, and you play the doll like, buying it clothes and decorate it's condo like how you want it to be. It's like other dolly game but in here you have to work to get money to buy things, and you can only work once a day. So in a way, you have to get online everyday so you won't waste the money that you can earn everyday, and get rich fast. That's why I said it's very addictive cause now, I cannot, not get my dolls (yeah dolls, I have 4, and 1 more is my mom's, you can see the impact can't you) online, because when I waste one day money by not onlining those dolls, I feel like.. I have lost one opportunity to get richer than yesterday, you see what I mean? And because of being one rich rich rich person is my dream and exactly what I'm gonna do for a living, so I use My Diva Doll to make me disipline of time and how Time Really Is Money. Yeah, money is a sacred thing to me hahaha. Cause money starts a happy life. And I want one happy life, like my first made doll: Drizella. She is now filthy rich and definitely like what I've dreamt. She is on the highest rate of career (have I mentioned that you can upgrade you career, which will upgrade you salary too, by clicking the training button, and yeah you can only train once a day), she has the outfit that I've ever want to have and she's pretty popular. How to rate popularity? It's by having as much good friends as you can and just networking, and by votes. You have to vote other doll if you want to be voted. My Diva Doll is really a good way to have some friends from abroad, from that site, I have a friend from Romania and she's one of my bestfriend over there ;D It's really interesting and just a great way to start networking to the world while you can also enjoy being yourself without you have to be scared about not being liked. As long as you're warm and showing good attitudes, they'll like you. But that doesn't mean that there are no bullies and crazy people. Most of the players are girls, but there are some boys too. They sometimes disturbs you with their profile or pictures or attitude. I say, just ignore it all and be good with whom ever greet you. I think when someone greet you in My Diva Doll in an uncertain kinda way, I just don't reply them, cause it'll just get worse. They have discounts, new traits like in the human world, and so much more fun stuffs. There are a lot of Indonesians too. It's a great game for you to enjoy. Try it, then discover somemore things.
I have 4 dolls on my own. They are: Drizella, Doutczen, Ivanya and Rushlana. And my mom's doll is Juminten. Drizella's is my first doll and she's filthy enough. I'm working on Doutczen, Ivanya, and Rushlana. I'm building their image by their looks and condo according to the career I have chose for them. So, it's a tough work to do but I'm sure I can accomplish those works and end it up like how I did to Drizella.
You can acsses one of my My Diva Doll, Drizella, by clicking the link in my links list down the page named MY DIVA DOLL. Then you'll go straight to Drizella's page, where there's my profile and pictures of my other dolls. And, you can also register from there. Don't forget to tell me what you think of Drizella's condo via comment over here, well, not really necessary actually hahahaha, just to boost up my good mood.

Well folks, I think My Diva Doll is what I decided to share with you guys, what's yours to share with me? B)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Scott MacIntyre, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Unbelievable. Unpredictable. And Unfortunately, undeniable. Scott MacIntyre is out of the competition... Dude, don't know what to say. I am dissapointed, very upset, and can't believe my own eyes. To be honest, I was expecting Lil Round to go home. 'Cause she keeps upsetting and upsetting the judges from week to week. But Scott? He was only trying to do something new, by playing the electric guitar! Who knew he can play right? It's another talent of him that we should appriciate. I don't complain about the judges not saving him, because, I don't deny the fact that there are somemore contestants whom worth more to be saved, but what I am upset about, America should've voted for Scott instead of letting him go home. I was very shocked about the result and so did Paula. She seemed very shocked while like Simon said, someone has to make a decision. Alright. Maybe it's the best for everybody, though I will miss him so much, but at least his name is already a bookmark in Google :D I'm happy for you Scott that you have made this far but maybe this is just about the timing. All greatness to you Scott, and may God Bless You. Scott MacIntyre, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
YEAH. NOBODY CAN REPLACE ADAM LAMBERT IN MY HEART. AND I AM OFFICIALLY REALLY IN LOVE WITH HIM, AS A MALE AND FEMALE. I mean, he always shatters me when he's on stage. And when I watch his other controvertional videos in Youtube, dude I don't mind! It's normal to me. To me he is still in the safe zone. He does theatre! And that's also my world. I love theatre, acting, stage permormance, everything! Oh My God I am so in love with his last performance. The hair? BEST ADAM LAMBERT'S HAIR EVER! But yet I still love the emo of course. The voice? Don't talk about that definitely no doubt. His outfit? Only trendsetter would wear such thing. And that's a good thing. But I always love his performances and whatever he wears, whatever his style, it always looks good on me (yeah the Leonardo DeCaprio's hair? Totally okay with it now) And I love his confession video about...... not gonna tell you sorry you just have to see it yourselves. Adam's gorgeous face melts me everytime I look at it. He mesmerized me everytime he appears. He has been inmmy heart for the past few months. And to me he's not hot, he's beautiful. He's not an obsession, he's my way of life.
So yeah. I am officially REALLY in love with Adam Lambert. Exactly, I don't care about all the rumors out there, and I love him as who he is. He's 26 going on 27? That might be a problem for him (yeah I know it's very disturbing when you being liked by a brat like me) but it's not a problem for me (of course it's not, what are you, nuts?) because I am like Adam, my proudest moment is when I fall in love. There were this moment where I realize that Adam's so far from me and he wouldn't even notice me like I'm a little spect in a small small part of the world. But then, I get over it because I know I love him. I really love him. I'd wait for you Adam, even if I have to wait forever.
Carina: I... I just love you, I don't know why I just do.. When are you coming home?
Adam: I'm coming home soon, and I.... I just love you too
Taken from the song I Just Love You by Five for Fighting and re-sang by Adam Lambert.
Some facts about him that I couldn't believe is common with me:
1. We love black toenails and we wear them.
2. We have the same exact blue and black checkred shirt
3. WE ARE OBSESSED WITH ASTROLOGY! OH MY GOD! Seumur umur gak ada idola gua yang sampe sama sama cinta sama astrology, gila! (kalo gak percaya baca di americanidol.com wawancaranya dia)
4. If he wouldn't sing, he would dance, and so would I (you often seeing me dancing on myself)
5. We don't get embarassed! :D
6. Darkblue hair? Been my obsession for years! God at last somebody listen to me about that!
7. We love big rings. I have 2.
His official profile site: http://www.americanidol.com/contestants/season_8/adam_lambert/
Prove my words there.
I'm not gonna put a lot of photos like before, just these photos of him from time to time, cause the rest I'll just keep it to myself, to me to enjoy (yeah like there are thousands of Adam's photos, he's too good to be exposed).
Last words, I, would be glad if I get to meet him for once in mylife. I would be glad.
From this..................................................................... To this
So yeah. I am officially REALLY in love with Adam Lambert. Exactly, I don't care about all the rumors out there, and I love him as who he is. He's 26 going on 27? That might be a problem for him (yeah I know it's very disturbing when you being liked by a brat like me) but it's not a problem for me (of course it's not, what are you, nuts?) because I am like Adam, my proudest moment is when I fall in love. There were this moment where I realize that Adam's so far from me and he wouldn't even notice me like I'm a little spect in a small small part of the world. But then, I get over it because I know I love him. I really love him. I'd wait for you Adam, even if I have to wait forever.
Carina: I... I just love you, I don't know why I just do.. When are you coming home?
Adam: I'm coming home soon, and I.... I just love you too
Taken from the song I Just Love You by Five for Fighting and re-sang by Adam Lambert.
Some facts about him that I couldn't believe is common with me:
1. We love black toenails and we wear them.
2. We have the same exact blue and black checkred shirt
3. WE ARE OBSESSED WITH ASTROLOGY! OH MY GOD! Seumur umur gak ada idola gua yang sampe sama sama cinta sama astrology, gila! (kalo gak percaya baca di americanidol.com wawancaranya dia)
4. If he wouldn't sing, he would dance, and so would I (you often seeing me dancing on myself)
5. We don't get embarassed! :D
6. Darkblue hair? Been my obsession for years! God at last somebody listen to me about that!
7. We love big rings. I have 2.
His official profile site: http://www.americanidol.com/contestants/season_8/adam_lambert/
Prove my words there.
I'm not gonna put a lot of photos like before, just these photos of him from time to time, cause the rest I'll just keep it to myself, to me to enjoy (yeah like there are thousands of Adam's photos, he's too good to be exposed).
Last words, I, would be glad if I get to meet him for once in mylife. I would be glad.
From this..................................................................... To this

To this...................................................... To this

And This............................................................ Even when he's asleep..

I... I just love you.. I don't know why I just do... When are you coming home? I'm coming home soon. 'Cause I... I just love you too.. I love you, Adam Lambert.
Flat Face
Bapap parabab parapap parabab barapap parararap parararabab.
Look here's the thing.
I just got home from school around like 2 o'clock. And I feel terrible.... And oh why my lady?
Pertama, setiap saya melihat wajah wajah teman teman saya 1 angkatan, saya merasa sedih.. sedih.. sedih. Karena saya tahu, wajah wajah itu semua hanya bisa saya nikmati selama kurang dari 1 bulan lagi... setelah itu saya akan menikmati wajah wajah dedemit dedemit tajir
Kedua, saya merasa sangat tidak enjoy dalam belajar di sebuah mata pelajaran. Gurunya itu loh, sensiiiiiiiiiii sekali sama saya. Saya kalo dikelas suka gak fokus, saya sering meperhatikan tangan saya menggambar, eh! Ditegur. (wak wak wawawawawawww). Bukannya saya sombong ya, tapi yaudahlah ya gua kan juga gak berisik, gak pam pam cuap kiri kanan. Gua cuma gambar. Udah. Gambar itu sesuatu yang gak bisa saya tinggalkan, meskipun dipaksa, tangan bakalan begerak sendiri. Yang bikin beliau marah adalah karena saya tidak fokus ke soal yang sedang dibahas dan saat ditanya jawabannya saya ling lung...... Wajar sih marah, cuma gua gak suka dia suka nyindir dan cara marahnya itu, bikin orang pengen protes. Ya gua dibilang inilah itulah... Padahal,....... gua cuma gambar. Udah. Dan hal itu tadi terjadi dikelas yang membuat saya diam sepanjang pelajaran.
Ketiga, saya jatuh cinta sama lagunya Oren Lavie yang A Quarter Past Wonderful. Di Limewire, gak ada. Di 4shared, gak ada. Di bee mp3, gak ada. Tau dah mau cari dimana lagi yang bisa download gratis... Boleh dong kalo punya gue minta. Itu akan sangat menolong gua juga sekalian karena pekerjaan yang tidak bisa saya selesaikan hari ini bikin saya takut............ Takut gak bisa tidur... kepikiran.
Keempat, teman teman saya dari kubu pria tadi ingin nebeng. Udah lumayan lama gua gak bener bener ngobrol sama mereka dan membuat kehidupan sekolah saya tidak seimbang. Tapi saya tidak bisa membiarkan mereka nebeng. Karena jalan saya dan tujuan mereka lain arah. Saya kecewa karena kehilangan kesempatan berbicara dengan makhluk makhluk itu, saya merasa masih tidak seimbang.
Look here's the thing.
I just got home from school around like 2 o'clock. And I feel terrible.... And oh why my lady?
Pertama, setiap saya melihat wajah wajah teman teman saya 1 angkatan, saya merasa sedih.. sedih.. sedih. Karena saya tahu, wajah wajah itu semua hanya bisa saya nikmati selama kurang dari 1 bulan lagi... setelah itu saya akan menikmati wajah wajah dedemit dedemit tajir
Kedua, saya merasa sangat tidak enjoy dalam belajar di sebuah mata pelajaran. Gurunya itu loh, sensiiiiiiiiiii sekali sama saya. Saya kalo dikelas suka gak fokus, saya sering meperhatikan tangan saya menggambar, eh! Ditegur. (wak wak wawawawawawww). Bukannya saya sombong ya, tapi yaudahlah ya gua kan juga gak berisik, gak pam pam cuap kiri kanan. Gua cuma gambar. Udah. Gambar itu sesuatu yang gak bisa saya tinggalkan, meskipun dipaksa, tangan bakalan begerak sendiri. Yang bikin beliau marah adalah karena saya tidak fokus ke soal yang sedang dibahas dan saat ditanya jawabannya saya ling lung...... Wajar sih marah, cuma gua gak suka dia suka nyindir dan cara marahnya itu, bikin orang pengen protes. Ya gua dibilang inilah itulah... Padahal,....... gua cuma gambar. Udah. Dan hal itu tadi terjadi dikelas yang membuat saya diam sepanjang pelajaran.
Ketiga, saya jatuh cinta sama lagunya Oren Lavie yang A Quarter Past Wonderful. Di Limewire, gak ada. Di 4shared, gak ada. Di bee mp3, gak ada. Tau dah mau cari dimana lagi yang bisa download gratis... Boleh dong kalo punya gue minta. Itu akan sangat menolong gua juga sekalian karena pekerjaan yang tidak bisa saya selesaikan hari ini bikin saya takut............ Takut gak bisa tidur... kepikiran.
Keempat, teman teman saya dari kubu pria tadi ingin nebeng. Udah lumayan lama gua gak bener bener ngobrol sama mereka dan membuat kehidupan sekolah saya tidak seimbang. Tapi saya tidak bisa membiarkan mereka nebeng. Karena jalan saya dan tujuan mereka lain arah. Saya kecewa karena kehilangan kesempatan berbicara dengan makhluk makhluk itu, saya merasa masih tidak seimbang.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
IDK how to say these
I've got nothing to say about this. I'm speechless, and it's too sad to be remembered, THAT I'M GONNA PART WITH MY FRIENDS IN LESS THAN A MONTH... LESS!!!!!!!! I don't know guys, I don't think I can survive this. I mean... It's too sad to leave you all after all that we've been through... Hard times, Bad times, Good times.. GREATER TIMES...... It's to difficult to face the fact that, I AM gonna leave you all very soon. It's..... unbelieveable to be honest. I'm not being to much or so so a drama queen, it's just that... it thought it will never happen! I thought we're gonna be together forever. And then I realize that it's impossible for us to be together forever.......... Ah gila. I don't know... I will cry in our graduation ceremony, I will... Angkatan 15 aku akan terus tresno karo koe kabeh.... MUAHAHA B). AND, NOT GONNA MISS ALL OF MY BESTEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE LOT SPACE THAT EVER EXISTED?! NO! I'M GONNA MISS THEM LIKE... A LOT. >,__<.......... I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU GUYS!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE SEPERATED FROM YOU GUYS!!! Okay, it's not gonna work. Avi, Wulan, Miranti, Key, Fara, Butet, Nanda, Andin R, Cape, Lisa......... I've got something to say to you guys...
I cannot believe myself when I know that we're gonna seperate from each other in less than a month.. It's trully unbelieveable.. I thought we're gonna be together forever? But what? Fate says it all. We are not.
But, as a matter of fact, things will work out right? Though I know I won't survive without you guys......... (Oh My God it's so hard to say it all to be honest..........) It's just that, I don't want to leave you all. I want to stick with you (I'm sure you guys don't want to be sticked together with me HAHAHA you'll be like haunted by me)........ It's just that, you guys are more than irreplaceable. You guys, Let me, to be your friends, and were with me through the sorrowest time of my life. You guys accept me for who I am, you let me joke around, you let me laugh, you tell me it's not funy when my jokes're not funny. You bring me the joy that I've been looking for. You let me share. You let me live, and stand. And those kinds of friends is hard to find. When I found out that you guys are like treasures, I feel like I'm not gonna stop to cherish you all, and then I know, that it'll be very disturbing, HAHAHA. But... there no more good words to express my love for you. You guys are too good to be true, too good to be with. And, soon, we all gonna face a new life for each other's greater good. Like I said, things will work out. We will still be friends no matter what right? It's just a matter of school, and school is a matter of place. Don't make it as a blocker, our relationship is invinsible. I just want to say, I won't forget to contact each of you all, and I hope you do the same. Frequently, we'll meet right? Every month.. or 2 weeks, or once every 3 days... who knows. And we'll have some more new friend I bet. And one more thing, it's very inportant, when I see you someday, I will greet you, but if you don't greet me back, I'll punch you right away in your face, twice. HAHAHA. Don't worry, only once. Okay, I'm not gonna talk more about this cause you'll be sick of it. In the end, I love you guys, thank you for everything, you guys are the bestest that ever existed, and may God bless you for everything you do forever and ever. One more thing, Joker said, in their last moments, people show you who they relly are. So I want no more pretending in the way you act at school alright?
Those words up there are a couple of things I'd say about you. What's yours to say about me?
Love, now and always,
I cannot believe myself when I know that we're gonna seperate from each other in less than a month.. It's trully unbelieveable.. I thought we're gonna be together forever? But what? Fate says it all. We are not.
But, as a matter of fact, things will work out right? Though I know I won't survive without you guys......... (Oh My God it's so hard to say it all to be honest..........) It's just that, I don't want to leave you all. I want to stick with you (I'm sure you guys don't want to be sticked together with me HAHAHA you'll be like haunted by me)........ It's just that, you guys are more than irreplaceable. You guys, Let me, to be your friends, and were with me through the sorrowest time of my life. You guys accept me for who I am, you let me joke around, you let me laugh, you tell me it's not funy when my jokes're not funny. You bring me the joy that I've been looking for. You let me share. You let me live, and stand. And those kinds of friends is hard to find. When I found out that you guys are like treasures, I feel like I'm not gonna stop to cherish you all, and then I know, that it'll be very disturbing, HAHAHA. But... there no more good words to express my love for you. You guys are too good to be true, too good to be with. And, soon, we all gonna face a new life for each other's greater good. Like I said, things will work out. We will still be friends no matter what right? It's just a matter of school, and school is a matter of place. Don't make it as a blocker, our relationship is invinsible. I just want to say, I won't forget to contact each of you all, and I hope you do the same. Frequently, we'll meet right? Every month.. or 2 weeks, or once every 3 days... who knows. And we'll have some more new friend I bet. And one more thing, it's very inportant, when I see you someday, I will greet you, but if you don't greet me back, I'll punch you right away in your face, twice. HAHAHA. Don't worry, only once. Okay, I'm not gonna talk more about this cause you'll be sick of it. In the end, I love you guys, thank you for everything, you guys are the bestest that ever existed, and may God bless you for everything you do forever and ever. One more thing, Joker said, in their last moments, people show you who they relly are. So I want no more pretending in the way you act at school alright?
Those words up there are a couple of things I'd say about you. What's yours to say about me?
Love, now and always,
Indie.. Indie.. Indie..
Saya sangat menyukai band band indie. Saya menyukai lagu lagu dari band band indie, yang mungkin kamu gak akan suka. Saya suka band band Indie udah lama. Tapi karena baru pada seneng, jadinya baru saya ungkapkan. Idola saya akan band band Indie ada berjuta juta (banyaklah pokoknya). Saya paling suka Alphabeat, Attic Lights, The Fratellis (saya selalu cinta kepadamuuu main dong di Indonesiaaaa!), Copeland, Chester French (sayang sekali Chester French sudah mulai terkenal :'p ), Kaiser Chiefs (yang ini juga udah banyak yang tau, dasar), Oasis, The Turtles (mana album barunya maaaas ditunggu), Scissor Sisters, The Cardigans, Ash (Ash, aku tresno karo koe), The Last Shadow Puppets, The Kooks, Travis (mana albumnyaaaaaaaa), Tahiti 80 (until now ya mas, Happy End gak bisa saya lepasin), The Script dan yang udah gak indie tapi saya masih suka: Radiohead.... dan lain lainnya yang masih akan saya telusuri.
Well just because she feeds me well

Why I love Indie? Lagu lagu yang saya pilih dari band band tersebut sangaaaat enak. Enjoyable, Memorizeable, and to me, it's Loveable. Dan yang paling paling paling paling paling saya suka, itu adalah lagunya The Fratellis yang Flathead. GAK BAKALAN BISA SAYA TOLAAAAK!
(search the song on my playlist)
Flatehead -The Fratellis
(search the song on my playlist)
Flatehead -The Fratellis
Well just because she feeds me well
And she made me talk dirty in a pink hotel
Doesn't mean she's got eyes for me
She might just want my bones you see
And hey flathead don't you get mean
She's the second best killer that I ever have seen
It don't come much more sick than you
I could go on if you want me to
It's just so wrong so very nice
And I told you once and you killed me twice
Saw you one time at the back of the club
Chewing on glass and a ticket stub
Still I heard you kicked the boy till he bled
And you stood and said oh my god till she said
Bada bap pada da da badada da da da da da bada bap pada da da da. [x4]
Well everybody knows you're the one to call
When the girls get ugly on the back of the wall
Josephine says you got a bleedin nose
Takin' it with her wherever she goes
And hey flathead don't check me in
Well hers is a tonic and mine is a gin
They don't come much more slick than you
I'd drive your car if you ask me to
Said the boy's not right in the head
And you stood and got a kickin instead till she said
Bada bap pada da da badada da da da da da bada bap pada da da da. [x4]...
And she said the boy's not right in the head
And you stood and said oh my god til she said...
Bada bap pada da da badada da da da da da bada bap pada da da da. [x4]
other recomendation: Goodbye Mr. A (The Hoosiers), Wendy (Attic Lights), Don't Look Back In Anger (Oasis), Happy End (Tahiti 80), You Can't Have It All (Ash), So Happy Together (The Turtles), What Is Happening (Alphabeat)
other recomendation: Goodbye Mr. A (The Hoosiers), Wendy (Attic Lights), Don't Look Back In Anger (Oasis), Happy End (Tahiti 80), You Can't Have It All (Ash), So Happy Together (The Turtles), What Is Happening (Alphabeat)

Tahiti 80
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