Hi all, how're you all been doing? It's been a while since I greet you all on the first thing on my post 'cause usually I just write straight to the buzz. And yeah, this post is my 50th post of all time! I'm so happy that my blog reached the same amount of Barbie's age.
I don't know exactly what I'm gonna say to you over here, cause I just feel like typing (it's so hard to type when you're shouldn't touch another keyboard pannel and it's oh so like.. stiff, yeah.)
Do you know that I play a game called My Diva Doll? It's been 8 months since I first time play it. It's very very very fun, additictive, and refreshing I have to say. Cause it gives me the chance to decorate and design myown future. I want to be like this and this and that I want to have this and those so it's like.. it gives satisfaction when I finally bought something I really want.... Can you see how the game works? Okay I'm gonna explain it to you.
My Diva Doll is a free online game when you make a doll, and you play the doll like, buying it clothes and decorate it's condo like how you want it to be. It's like other dolly game but in here you have to work to get money to buy things, and you can only work once a day. So in a way, you have to get online everyday so you won't waste the money that you can earn everyday, and get rich fast. That's why I said it's very addictive cause now, I cannot, not get my dolls (yeah dolls, I have 4, and 1 more is my mom's, you can see the impact can't you) online, because when I waste one day money by not onlining those dolls, I feel like.. I have lost one opportunity to get richer than yesterday, you see what I mean? And because of being one rich rich rich person is my dream and exactly what I'm gonna do for a living, so I use My Diva Doll to make me disipline of time and how Time Really Is Money. Yeah, money is a sacred thing to me hahaha. Cause money starts a happy life. And I want one happy life, like my first made doll: Drizella. She is now filthy rich and definitely like what I've dreamt. She is on the highest rate of career (have I mentioned that you can upgrade you career, which will upgrade you salary too, by clicking the training button, and yeah you can only train once a day), she has the outfit that I've ever want to have and she's pretty popular. How to rate popularity? It's by having as much good friends as you can and just networking, and by votes. You have to vote other doll if you want to be voted. My Diva Doll is really a good way to have some friends from abroad, from that site, I have a friend from Romania and she's one of my bestfriend over there ;D It's really interesting and just a great way to start networking to the world while you can also enjoy being yourself without you have to be scared about not being liked. As long as you're warm and showing good attitudes, they'll like you. But that doesn't mean that there are no bullies and crazy people. Most of the players are girls, but there are some boys too. They sometimes disturbs you with their profile or pictures or attitude. I say, just ignore it all and be good with whom ever greet you. I think when someone greet you in My Diva Doll in an uncertain kinda way, I just don't reply them, cause it'll just get worse. They have discounts, new traits like in the human world, and so much more fun stuffs. There are a lot of Indonesians too. It's a great game for you to enjoy. Try it, then discover somemore things.
I have 4 dolls on my own. They are: Drizella, Doutczen, Ivanya and Rushlana. And my mom's doll is Juminten. Drizella's is my first doll and she's filthy enough. I'm working on Doutczen, Ivanya, and Rushlana. I'm building their image by their looks and condo according to the career I have chose for them. So, it's a tough work to do but I'm sure I can accomplish those works and end it up like how I did to Drizella.
You can acsses one of my My Diva Doll, Drizella, by clicking the link in my links list down the page named MY DIVA DOLL. Then you'll go straight to Drizella's page, where there's my profile and pictures of my other dolls. And, you can also register from there. Don't forget to tell me what you think of Drizella's condo via comment over here, well, not really necessary actually hahahaha, just to boost up my good mood.

Well folks, I think My Diva Doll is what I decided to share with you guys, what's yours to share with me? B)
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