I feel like I have to talk about a lot of things, so I made it all up in one post.... I feel very lazy lately, and still haven't find the source and those who responsible...
Number 1: American Idol, Adam's in, that's all that matter
I go for Adam Lambert since I saw him auditioned. I found pretty much common things between me and him at the first time, but I've done some more reasearch, and I found certain things, that made me up on one thing: 'We are pretty much not that alike'. Though I do his style, I mean, we wear the same style, black toenails, of course. Love his hair, I want to do some highlights too for my hair, and I want some dark grey and blue, but my friends told me that, I will look not far like an oldman. But, still, I love dark grey on my hair. Hehehe :P. And yeah, I hope that he'll make it through in this season, 'cause I've had ebough of sadness in American Idol since on the past few seasons, all the contestans whom I faught for, like my beloved purple sexy intense vampire ninja pickle, Danny Noriega, got kicked out from the competiton (hey that hurts!). So.. yeah, Go Adam (don't care, if he's bi, gay, whatsoever or not).
Number 2: National Test? What can I say................................... (yawn)
Seriously, I think I've had enough of those lousy things. I'm sick of the preparation for the National Test. Not that I don't want to get the best score, I do, but.. don't know why, I feel like, life's not gonna be me, unless I do something about it. And The National Test does bother me, like... a lot. I know it's gonna be hard, and stuffs..... but, ugh people.. get a life. It's not always gonna be the National Test all the time after all. So don't mind if I do other things besides to face it..... I have no idea what else to say haha. Seriously......... I'm a bit tired, and sleepy, so don't make me, explode even more. People told me that, my appearance may looks like a 15 years old, but I act like 20 something, I don't deny that. That's a fact. I want to be 20 something. Why? First, No more school. Second, I can get a job. Third, I'm old enough for anything. Fourth, at last, I can have my own credit card. Fifth, I'm gonna be taller, so I'm gonna be suitable for anykind of clothes. Haha. That's true, but not what's happening. What's happening is, I stuck in this Junior High School Life, that.... it's kinda dilema actually, in one side, I don't want to leave my now life, because I'm gonna leave it very soon, but in the other side, I just want to get over it and grow up. So... kinda hard.... and...... difficult. But I thank God of whatsoever happens. So... whatsoever.
Number 3: Natural Habbits
This is one thing I can't ressist, natural habbits. Ya abisan kalo itu udah kebiasaan gimana dong masak suruh hapus. Sedihnya gua gak secanggih itu. Natural Habbits saya adalah:
1. Kalo baru bangun tidur, bawaannya pengen nyalain komputer, jd gua nyalain
2. Kalo makan sambil nonton TV start jam 7 selelsai jam setengah 9 (kalo gak pake penganiayaan dari para malaikat yg mengingatkan)
3. Hp suka gua matiin, reflek, tapi terus mengundang kontroversi
4. Gak bisa bangun siang, kalo pun gue alesan kesiangaan, itu karena gue kelewatan asyik nonton TV terus lupa daratan
5. Lari lari muter muter terus loncat kayak strechtingnya a la suku indian = hal biasa
6. Pelor
7. Kagetan + suka bikin kaget
8. Too much daydreaming bikin muka jadi gak karuan kalo ke gep lagi bengong
9. Talking nonsense + respon terhadap sesuatu berbeda dari normal = penyakit dalam bawaan lahir
10. Pake batere Alkaline, seakan tak pernah lelah, jejingkrakan dan petakilan mirip gasing
11. Orang Rese: Carin kalo dirumah belajar lagi gak?
Carin: engg.............. enggak............. emang harus ya? kan disekolah udah..... (terbengong bengong)
12. Tiada hari tanpa Joget (kebutuhan primer yg bikin orang gidik)
13. Suka sekali bermimpi menjadi sesuatu yang dikerjakan oleh orang - orang Amerika
14. Obsesi: Pintar bahasa Perancis, Korea, China, Russia, Jerman dan Ambon
15. Don't be confused kalo nge gep-in gue ngomong: MY NAME... IS NICOLE....
Yah itulah sekelebat habbits gua yg gak bisa dihapus... Mohon Maklum... dan kami sangat menghargai kritik dan saran ke nomer di bawah ini (goyang2in jari tlujuk yg nujuk ke bawah TV) dan kirim email kamu ke http://www.piiiiiiiiiip.com/ kalo kamu mau dicarikan orang yang sudah lama hilang. Panda pamit... Mandala pamit... sampai ketemu di Termehek - Mehek minggu depan...
FIN. Hihi
Friday, March 13, 2009
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2 komentar:
15. Don't be confused kalo nge gep-in gue ngomong: MY NAME... IS NICOLE....
HAHAHAHA abisan memberikan sensasi tersendiri gimana dong o____o
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