MustHaveThing 1: Leather Jacket
I've been wanting to have one, I bribe my parents to search for one.. well together. But um.. I heard that my dad had one.. BUT THERE WAS NO LEATHER JACKET IN HIS CLOSET. So I'm gonna look it up for myself in Pull and Bear or ZARA, with my own money of course! To make it easier hahaha.

Mary-kate and Ashley Olsen are my true inspiration... I'd knee for them.. They're just ultracool
MustHaveThing 2: (of course) Brown Boots
I found one in Singapore, but.. It cost more than a million rupiahs -______________-. It's so sad... Well, I'm gonna look it out too, pray for me and wish me luck haha, this is totally a must have! (And soo not the black one!)

I want the flat and the heeled ones.. Oh God help me
MustHaveThing 3: An Electric Blue Something
This is very very everlasting. Electric in your outfit is so happening. I want a top, a skirt, a dress, shoes, and a jacket!

I need one.
MustHaveThing 4: A Brown Whatsoever Belt
The Belt doesn't have to be tini tiny, but you can also wear the braided one, or the flat one. As long as it's brown. Mix it with jeans, dress, but I like to mix it with a loose top and a short.

It's so cool
MustHaveThing 5: Micro Short Jeans
I've been wanted to have one for years! But... The only thing that blocks me out is that, my father told me that, that kinda pants, CANNOT be wearing in Indonesia... And what I hate about that, for some reason it's true................. God Damn It.
And please, No Dark Denim! Light one please..

But, (yeah, there's a but, there always be) you should be choosy with what kind of micro jeans you're wearing, IT HAVE TO BE SUITABLE or you might get something like this
MustHaveThing 6: Green, Red, Black, Blue Blazer
I have the black one. And I want the green one muahahaha. I love to wear it with a T shirt or a dress.... You just never see me wearing one :P They're the best..

I've always loved them
MustHaveThings 7: Bright Pashmina
I Have One! Actually, it's my favorite thing because it's not hard to find, not expensive, not hard to apply, and suitable for any outfit!

God, I love them!
MustHaveThing 9: Striped Shirt, and Zebra!
I have.. 3! Hahaha. Mix it with a black short or an edgy look, or maybe andorgini.

Love them.... Zebra's so in
MustHaveThing 10: White T - Shirt (DUH?!) It's obvious why you have to have one. And, plain one would be better, if not, then okay too :P The Icon? Simon Cowell of course.

It's been always the Fashion Almighty
In the end these Olsen looks are what I've been trying to do

One Of The Olsen Look That I've Accomplish:

And last, pray that my parents don't see this, they're gonna claim that I'm so consumtive... -______- It torns me apart when sometimes I have to face the fact that my parents tell me that there's more to live... so I don't have to have all of these things......... sometimes I want to tell them that, I just.. do, things. No plans. Why so serious?
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